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Planned for next version:
New documentation written by Timothy.
(Hi Timothy, mailing you does not work, please try to mail me.)
Other ideas/suggestions:
* GUI for configuring
* Quick directory changes by using a database
* Full XPK-support
* Scrollbar for review-buffer (this will be difficult)
* Add more commands to the directory-lister (like makeicon,search)
* Make KILL a real killer (windows, screens)
* MAKEDIR can create nested dirs: If RAM: is empty "makedir ram:a/b/c"
would create directory c in b in a in RAM: .
* HEX option for MORE.
* Applly configurable menues to the window
* More options for the LIST command (especially LFORMAT).
* Remove PUTMSG and GETMSG
* COMPARE or DIFF command
Less probable:
* COPY asks to remove incomplete destination files.
* RENAME command with wildcard support: "rename *.asm *.s" would rename
all files ending in .asm to the same name ending in .s !
* Make it a commodity with hotkey.
* Improve internal script file execution, like passing arguments,
allow subroutine scripts and commands like FOR.
* Include MOUNT/INSTALL command.
* Faster scrolling (jump scroll/1 bitplane scroll)
* Patch for 68000-Processors to be as fast as 68060/50MHz-Processors ;-)
* Write a stripped-down version for MessyDOS; after starting this would say:
This is ZShell V2.x *** Fatal error: no multitasking system ! ;-)
If you want to see these or other improvements made, please write to me .
If you do not, please write to me, too :-)
Note that there is a (about) 32K limit of the executable, because I only
use relative addressing (like in small code model). So suggestions what
to remove are also welcome.
I thought about making a separate version for OS2.0+:
Command-line-editing and review stuff could be done best (most powerful)
within a console-handler; there are already several available (as I know,
the only one that is Freeware is KingCon), so I do not want to write
another one. The disadvantages of these I have seen is that you need to
change alot between mouse and keyboard and they are somehow slow on my
system (and do not work on OS1.3- systems) and memory-hungry.
Except for Command-line-editing and review, the inbuild commands are a
main advantage of ZShell. These commands could be moved to one executable
file; if this file was executed, it would create all inbuild commands
as resident commands that could be used by the normal Shell.
(This would be somehow like the MessyDOS COMMAND.COM file.)
So if you used this file and a separate console-handler, you could work
comfortably with the normal Shell.
If there are enough people asking for that, I will think about writing
such a "multi-command-file", but I will not write another console-handler.
And, last but not least, I have to invest lots of time in my studies and
I do not want to hang around all remaining time at the keyboard !